I'm gonna say it: most white disabled people have a different politic to me. We're not in the same situation just because we're both disabled. That's not going to erase the fact that I'm colonized and you're a colonizer. https://twitter.com/SnoringDoggo/status/1253397006090940416
My priority will always be with black disabled people and then disabled nbpoc before the general community. We're the people most penalized by colonialist capitalism and no one's going to care about us like us.
White disabled people get mad the second the conversation isn't about them. Earlier today was just the latest iteration of "I followed you for your disability activism, not this race stuff" out of many.
I'm a black disabled person talking about my own issues, yet they want to be the center of the conversation constantly. I can't even talk about medical racism without them comparing it to their own experiences and then trying to harass me if I confront them.
And I don't doubt that if the material needs of disabled poc were specifically met and it wasn't just me tweeting about stuff, many white disabled people would react violently. I don't doubt that for a second.
This thread will probably upset more than a few, so I'll just say, don't come here trying to say I'm a reverse racist and no, you're not the exceptional white who's not racist at all. Block me and go away before you embarass yourself.
Anyways, ironically if I wasn't as disabled as I am, the first people I'd be reaching out to are disabled Africans and other poc. I'd start building support networks to take care of everyone's needs, cause Lord knows this society won't.
I don't see many white disabled people whose priorities are similarly aligned with the most vulnerable of our society, especially those with the resources to support such projects. It's mostly spent just helping other white disabled people.
Again, being disabled doesn't erase the fact that I'm colonized and you're a colonizer. In order for us to truly be aligned, you have to go against your own interests as a white person, and most just won't do that.
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