to me, body exploration, means coming to terms with your body and accepting it for what it is, beautiful. now, that i’m loving my body, i’ll be exploring it. my body’s been unfamiliar to me for quite awhile. I don’t know it, but now I have to learn about it.
there’s so much to love about your body. your arms. legs. neck. stomach. most definitely the stomach! all stomachs are freaking gorgeous! the area where your skin folds. everything is cute! no one has a body like YOU. love it kindly
the road to loving your body is like a dance. you’ll mess up. get the hang of it. mess up again and get up again, continuously. for me, loving it came after numerous amounts of nights of me crying and being frustrated. i asked myself “why isn’t my body like the other guys?” -
- they have abs, biceps, pecs, legs, defined jawline, and so much more. also, i promise this isn’t a bash to the individuals who have all that! i just thought i needed to have that to be “beautiful” and accepted socially. if you’re reading this, i hope you understand.
back to the original statement. I stated all that for this. you and only YOU are to determine what beauty is. please do not let the standards society has set penetrate your mind and make you believe you have to look a certain way. you will get through this! you’re beautiful!
remember who you are and how much you’re worth. you matter! more than you know. struggling with body image has a major drain on your mental health.
to finish off..for today! look forward for my next post. it’ll be in this same thread.
this part of body exploration is complete! for today. in the coming days, i will be adding to this thread. i have a lot more images & videos to share and explain.
until next time!
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