So Update.

1#. Main reason why art has been so slow is that my household this month. Coronavirus. We've nearly reached the point where everyone has been infect at least once. (neighboring roommate & I so far has not been sick yet) I've mostly been helping around the house. 1/8
2#. Helping around the house is stuff like going shopping for those sick. Having to travel like 10 miles since local shops are often empty. Its a house hold of 7. I'm pretty chill with helping out but you always get the one person who takes the piss and complains about shit. 2/8
3#. I've not been doing this alone thank god. Who ever was feeling fine enough to help out did help out. We eventually got our shit together and at the moment. Everyone is pretty much well. 4 people just seemed to have pretty bad coughs and fevers and kept hygenic about it. 3/8
4#. However one person legit had Corona. He was the one who kept insisting he didn't have Corona and didn't take any of the procautions seriously. Last Friday he ended up having to be escorted out by a Ambulance from 'breathing difficulties'. That was fun to deal with. :\\ 4/8
5#. So art hasn't been really a top priority for me atm, motivation has been just dead in the water. When ever I do find the energy to do stuff, its usually stuff like 'Bath/Cook/Clean/Drink Water/Go Shopping sort of mind set. I've mostly been playing ACNH to wind down after. 5/8
6#. That being said. Its starting to clear up now. With everyone now feeling better, with the shops in my area now becoming more well supplied, I feel my drive to draw return. It still fucking sucks to hear about people passing away from this virus though. 6/8.
7#. Again. I hate talking about IRL drama on this page. I hate just having a place I make art to be my only good outlet to vent. I don't really feel comfortable venting to friends so my best option is just to aimlessly vent to a group of people in the efforts someone listens. 7/8
8#. Final bit. I'll have more infomation on Commission stuff, Art stuff and 3D modeling stuff in a post around Saturday. I want to keep IRL junk and art junk seperated for now. I'll most likely delete this thread on Saturday once i've gotten back on track.

Thanks for reading!
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