There are times where I do wonder why pedos (I use this term for reasons) and zoos say they are more mature than antis. Do you think that your knowledge about consent of minors and animals isn't anything but truth? Sure, there are antis that only have to say-
that you should die. However you have immature people as well. You can't ignore the elephant in the room, it's somewhat a fact. Every community has immature people, it's natural to say the least. And everyone has a different kind of knowledge and each says otherwise-
which kind of knowledge speaks truth. I think children and animals can't consent. Yes, animals do have sex. That's all I'll say. I don't think that they're mentally a human child, that's honestly nonsense to me. They can think on their own, however-
that doesn't mean they can't learn. Yes they can, may it be from humans or from their own species. But I believe they'd rather kick or bite you when you try to have sex with them. I mean, I'll admit I have zero ideas how your pets react-
I do believe tho that it's painful. Now to minors. There are minors who state in their bio they're bottom, top, switch and their age. And I'll be honest when I say that I won't scream "you can't say that, you're just a kid"; I do think that at least when you-
turn 16, it's kinda possible that you will feel some kind of feeling for it but still don't know if you really want to do it. And here's my saying that I believe they can't consent. Call it a weak argument, sure, I stay with it. One last thing;-
It's still pedophilia to me that someone in their twenties dates a 17 year old or younger. Yeah the 18 year old argument is indeed weak but this thread is long enough and I seriously should sleep, hell it's after midnight over here what am I doing? (I'm terrible at bein funny)
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