(1) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Q&A starts at 6:15 pm with Trump using the same strategies I've been describing to compensate for his cognitive deficits. "We'll look into it, but I don't want to talk about it now," for example. (Overgeneralization, vague non-response)
(2) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Trump is asking Dr. Bryan how to kill the virus, & it's awkward. Trump has almost delusional ideas, combined with ignorance, re the science. He wants to sound informed, but he sounds like a senile old man with a dangerous hidden agenda.
(3) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Trump is almost comical as he talks about the "super laboratory" as though he owns it & runs it. He's pressuring everyone (including Pence, now speaking) to pitch summertime as the next "morning in America."
(4) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Trump denies knowing anything about the VA study showing that the malaria drug fails. Says "We'll see what happens," & babbles a non-answer. He cuts off the question & is irritated. Now his speech is pressured & he's agitated.
(5) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Trump is angry about the next two questions as well. He lapses into his lies & bullshit about testing, perseverating on his wrong ideas about statistics & mortality. He does not answer either question. He reacts with old tapes & hostility.
(6) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Trump says he does not agree with what Fauci said today (Time interview) about lack of readiness. He's pissed. Next Q he is more rapid in speech & he's racing to say nothing at all. "Every state has laboratories & some states have lots."
(7) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Trump defends re his cognitive deficits by once again going off about ventilators (nothing was asked about it), switching from one item to the next randomly -- calf splatter -- & sounds confused & frustrated. Falls back on his old tapes.
(8) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Q about bankruptcy & state problems gets "We'll see what happens" (said 2-3 times) as the non-answer. "We'll be talking about it," "Harvard didn't get covered," & other tangential ramblings. He has no idea what the question was.
(9) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Trump says, "The states that are in trouble happen to be blue." "I'll be speaking about it." No answer to the question. Next Q about Trump's medical advice really makes him mad. He is visibly upset. He's scrambling badly.
(10) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Phil Rucker from WAPO gets this: "I'm President, and you're fake news. And you know what I'll say to you? I know you well. I know the guy, he's a total faker." Trump looks insane. He's off his rocker, bat shit crazy. Lost in his own fog.
(11) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Trump is now over the edge, upset, agitated, pressured in speech. His inability to handle the tough questions has him on the ropes. He's attacking "the main stream media" & rambling now about Boris Johnson, "incredible guy."
(12) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Asked about Kim & Korea, Trump says, "You'd have been at war with Korea if I hadn't been elected," goes on tangent about fake news & military, but does not know anything about Kim's status, says networks fabricated "an incorrect report."
(13) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Asked about Korea, Trump says it was a CNN fake report and "I don't want to say." He insults & attacks the reporter. He's more agitated & angry. Asked about Georgia, he says, "I didn't like a lot of things happening," now yelling.
(14) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Trump falls back on "We'll see what happens" for the 8th or 9th time. He asks Birx to reply to a question (which he doesn't understand) about peaks & ratios of infection rates. She talks about "delta changes & early warning signals."
(15) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Asked about the election & pandemic, Trump says, "We have a sleepy guy in a basement of a house that the press wants to give a free pass to, who doesn't want to do debates, and lots of things are happening." (Does not answer the question)
(16) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: The mention of the election seems to agitate Trump even more. He ignores the question, ranting on several topics at once, even ventilators & governors & promises made promises kept, media's not an honest media much of it, not all...
(17) #Presidementia 04/23 Press Briefing: Trump is still ranting, has done fake Russia Russia Russia, generals, admirals, impeachment hoax, illegal witch hunt, if we had an honest press this country would be even greater....And with that Trump walks abruptly off the stage. Wow.
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