Before you go attacking Governor Newsom for praising President Trump’s cooperation during this crisis, please bear in mind that California by all manner of predictions should have become the worst hit state in the nation, the fallout of which would’ve been catastrophic.
Our governor did and is doing what needs to be done in order to ensure the health and economic prosperity of the State of California. Having been a Californian for the better part of five years now, I applaud Governor Newsom’s masterful leadership and crisis management aptitude.
Governor Newsom is responsible for more than just pride and egos during this crisis. It is clear he takes his commitment to Californians very seriously and is willing to do what is necessary to ensure our health, safety, security and economic well-being. Thank you, Governor!
Of course, there are things for which to criticize the Governor so far during the crisis, namely rent has not been sufficiently addressed; the incarcerated have been neglected (though handled better than in many other states); and assistance for the undocumented doesn’t go far...
...enough, but I’m not here to do a deep dive on these issues in this thread. For now, let it suffice that as a Californian I think Governor Newsom has done a pretty kickass job during the #COVID19 crisis so far. This comes with the caveat that given that my CA residency is...
...just that of five years, I may have some political blindspots and be ignorant of some areas about how California has faired under his administration overall. I very much welcome dissenting opinions and those of any other flavor. Otherwise, again, thanks to the Governor! 💙
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