One year later I still hate EG- a recap, part 1

- Bruce: the most important decision of his life, a no-return one (maybe?who knows?), happened offscreen and was only briefly told. No flashbacks. The selfies got more time. Suddenly he's an expert on timetravel. Used-
- mostly as comic-relief, the movie implies he ignored Thor for 5y after what they had been through together. Tony's and Nat's loss must have been devastating for him and we know he already had unresolved issues but for some reasons he can't go back to the past to fix it all
Thor's PTSD was mocked throughout all EG by ppl that were supposed to be his friends but that hadn't stayed in touch for 5y. Terrible fat-shaming jokes. I was not upset by his look of course, it could have been a powerful part of his arc but they ruined everything with those-
- jokes. Going to the past he didn't even look at Loki, knowing he was there. Never mentioned him. They had him leave his ppl to go adventuring with the Guardians just because, when he could have stayed with them properly recovering. He had lost everything: all his family-
- his friends, Asgard, half of his ppl, his confidence and despite it he didn't play with time, letting his own mother face her fate but in the end the skrull did it for a woman he never dated and this contradiction is never explained-
- Clint: his characterization was already ruined by AoU, his family was only a plot device to help JW set his pathetic little self-insert br*tasha, then it became an excuse for his retirement, then it was used again to justify his killing spree. The last nail in the coffin was-
- the Vormir scene: I think too that it should have been Clint but not because I hate him. The movie shows that he knew it should have been him: it would have been a sort of redemption (and a closure since marvel clearly doesn't know what to do with him), instead his stupid-
- plot device family was used as the excuse to sacrifice Nat and we know why. There's really nothing saveable in his arc here: he was clearly unstable and yet he had to be part of the mission, he wasn't questioned for his killing spree, were they ok with it? He didn't get to-
- redeem himself and in the end we saw him with the family that was onscreen for maybe 5 total mins and I don't know why I should care for them. The Bartons were saved while Pepperony and Starmora (as we knew them) were destroyed. Unforgivable.

Natasha: she was left alone-
- by the ppl that were supposed to be her friends, the authors dared call her pathetic for wanting to help despite everything. She only wanted her family back but had to sacrifice her life for plot-device-Bartons because she was infertile so expendable. Nat and Clint, the ones-
- without superpowers were sent to Vormir following the only criterion that they loved each other. She couldn't have a funeral, a service, an eulogy. They really thought that Tony could have asked if she had a family. After 13 years. The man whose AI-
- downloaded SHIELD's files on the helicarrier to discover what he wanted to know didn't know anything about her after 13 years? Are you kidding me? At the end the Avengers had again the Sorcerer Supreme and the Time Stone but they didn't ask him to try to get her back.
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