How to perform Taraweh Prayer at home
A short thread:
Tarāweeh is prayed in sets of two rak’āt each, in the same way as you would pray your normal salāh.
Its up to you how many rakat you would like to pray during Taraweeh. Following the sunnah ensure to pray your rakat two-by-two and to include with the Witr prayer.
It was narrated by one of the companions of the Prophet that ‘he performed the night prayer in pairs and made it odd number by observing one rak’ah (as Witr). The Prophet prayed eight rak’at of Taraweeh and three rakat of Witr.
While praying Taraweh , we usually have an Imam that has memorised the whole Quran. You don’t need to worry about this as you can read any Surah from the Quran after reciting Al Fatiha after every rakat.
It’s important that these prayers should bring you closer to Allāh, so you should try to find out the meaning of what you are reciting in your prayers and make sure that you pray calmly and with full focus. The quality of your tarāweeh prayers matters more than the quantity.
During your last rakat which would be the Witr prayer , after reading Al Fatiha , you can read Surat ul Ikhlas which will conclude your taraweh prayer.
“ How to pray Taraweh “
This was my first thread , I have done research and put my time into this and I sincerely apologise if I have left anything out or made any mistakes. May Allah guide us all through Ramadan. Jazakhullah Khayran ❤️
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