As my LOY Venus transits my 7th house, I have noticed one part of this transit has largely been about counseling, consoling, having conversations, and giving advice to a lot of people around me about their relationships.

I have some thoughts to explore about the 7H, 8H, & ♀︎.
The 7th house, as we know, is the primary house we look to when it comes to relationships, partners, the “other”, and dynamics which are one-on-one, as well as your public enemies. However, I have been noticing so many 8th house themes as well.
The 8H is connected to the 7th, as it is succedent and by diurnal motion, is moving towards the 7H angularity, which is can be interpreted as 8H themes coming up to support and sustain the 7H.
The 8H is about death, fear, anxiety, loss, as well as the partner’s money. It is also about inheritance. This is why the partner always comes with inherent baggage. Ever heard people talk about the anxieties about in-laws? (Inherited family)
Venus, also our main planetary significator for relationships, is not always benefic as a rule. Sometimes, Venus associated with the 7th and 8th can reveal the hidden aspects about love and forces us to address tougher question like life compatibility in our relationships.
I bring this up, b/c this upcoming ♀︎ ♊︎ ℞ station may look like us having to reassess and dialogue about what we want in our partnerships. We have to revisit our relationships and this process inevitably will bring up those more difficult 8H themes for some.
Are we using/allowing love to act as a panacea for the hidden dysfunctions in our relationship? Are we trying to force two life paths together that are materially incompatible due to differing life values? Is our love blinding us from real material needs?
7H is also about contracts and 8H about debt. Taken more figuratively, if we enter into the contract that is love commitments with skeletons left in the closet, such as knowing your lives are mutually incompatible, we will have to eventually pay the debt of that decision.
This Venus in ♊︎ transit is long. For some it can be quite easy-going & potentially revisiting & having conversations about relationship dynamics/needs, which can improve a relationship overall. Or revisiting old partners / Venusian pursuits like the arts (esp in quarantine.)
However, the intoxicating haze of Venus, esp for those who have more difficult planets aspecting her during this retrograde, or have Venus ruling/posited in the dark houses, may prove to be difficult as well as having tough conversations surrounding our desires & partnerships.
Having a Venus strong in my chart, I know that often our desires can bring us harm. Sweets bring cavities, afterall. So it’s good to have and be aware of these types of conversations, but also remember to enjoy the sweets when they do come.
Super long, but hopefully this was able to provide some insight for whoever needs to hear this right now.
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