Muslims, Christians & Jews do NOT worship the same God. To the aethist, they appear similar, since we all have a holy book, a singular God and a place of worship. In John 14:6, Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me."
Hence, if Jesus is not your saviour, you're currently hell bound. The idea that the 3 belief-systems serve the same God is wrong. For the 3 as a whole contradict each other. Muslims deem Jesus as merely a prophet, majority of the Jews rejected Jesus and Christians believe that he
is the messiah. It doesn't take a genius to realise that two of the three religious practices are incorrect. For if you could go to heaven, via the Christian way or the way of Islam or Judaism, then really you're calling God a liar. Jesus said that he is THE way, not A way. This
idea of multiple pathways to heaven is a falsehood spread by Satan himself. He comes "to kill, steal & destroy.' And unfortunately, he has deceived many. Genesis 1:27, God created mankind on the 6th day and the rest of the chapter illustrates the gifts that he provided them.
Hence humanity had dominion over the earth. But, when BOTH Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they lost dominion and the Devil became the world's god with a small g. God knew this was to happen. John 1 showcases this. Hence Jesus is the Son of Man and the Son of God.
However, not all 'Christians' will go to heaven. This term Christian has lost meaning, the word is used so loosely now. It's not just accepting that Jesus is real, for the Muslims and Jews do that. But understanding his role, King of Kings, Lord of Lords. It is the application of
his principles. We as christians, want to be christ-like. And in order to do that, we must 'love our neighbour.' What we do is an act of love, we are here to serve. Hence, we don't hate the world, we don't hate the rest of humanity. We just hate sin. If we focus on love, then it
will be harder for us to fall short of His grace. Moreover, we are still human and we are still prone to sin, because of Adam & Eve, the world we live in is a fallen one. Like Peter though, we can ask Jesus to save us. So if anyone tries to deter you from preaching or claps back
with the "why are you judging me?" Don't stop. Tell them that, "I do what I do, because of my heavenly Father. He loves you and I. I can't love my Father without loving you. Sometimes the truth hearts; in life you have to demonstrate tough love, this is one of those instances."
If they reject your message, do not be disheartened for you have done something pleasing to the Lord. Ezekiel 3:19 says, "But if you do warn the wicked person and they do not turn from their wickedness or from their evil ways, they will die for their sin; but you will have saved
yourself." Christians, Believers do NOT water down your message to please the world. For they have rejected His message, do NOT condemn yourselves and suffer the same fate. A lot of Christians down play the works of the Devil and that isn't confidence, that is arrogance. And if
you fall under this category, then you will be susceptible to sin. The Devil isn't just gonna rock up with horns, a pitchfork and an evil laugh. He isn't Doofeshmirtz, he is tactical, cunning. So we must be on guard. Read Ephesians 6:10-18 as a reference point. Underestimating
your opponent in football has consequences, so why would you think your life would be any different? Hence, pray that you won't fall into temptation. When you pray, believe that whatever you ask for has been given to you. Matthew 6:9-13 Jesus shows us how to pray. These prayers
are not for show, but are to be done in private, so that God will reward us openly. I would like to reiterate that Muslims, Christians & Jews do not worship the same God. Anyone who believes that, does not understand nor values Jesus' sacrifice. Jesus called Satan, "the Father of
Lies." The best liars do not tell you silly things like, "they sat on the sun last week." They will tell you half truths. Messages with an essence of the truth; which to the human ear sound believable. Matthew 4:1-11 (Satan tempts Jesus) and in that story he uses biblical
references out of context to try and get Jesus to worship him. Whenever we use a scripture to follow our needs, our desires, rather than the will of God, then we're following in the Devil's footsteps. That is why it is so important to pray and to mediate on God's word. For sin
is constantly knocking on our door. Furthermore, we need to apply our readings in every day life. We can't treat the bible as one of our subject books from school. The bible is God's word. And we must also understand the difference between the old and the new covenant.
Thank you for reading this thread. I hope that this has helped underline some misconceptions, let these words be a blessing not a curse. I am merely a servant of the Most High. So I don't know everything. However; God put these words on my heart, so I had to share. In the name of
Jesus. Amen.
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