How to interpret your own natal chart: (for beginners)

Please note:
~I’m not an actual astrologer, I just research & piece together for fun~
Here is my personal chart, courtesy of the app AstroFuture (LOVE IT, CHECK IT OUT)
These are pictures describing what each of the 12 houses mean & insight into what the planets themes revolve around. Whichever planet falls into a certain house, that planet will be affected by the matters of the house.
(For example): Mars in 6th; mars is what drives you, ignites passion. Having mars in the 6h could mean that you’re very interested in taking care of your body [6h=body/health] as well as being a driving force in your work environment, you make sure things get done.
First of all, your big 3 (sun, moon, rising) are the overall essence of your being & how you portray yourself to the world, or among first meeting someone (rising).
Finding your chart ruler is just as important in starting to interpret your chart. You can find the ruler by looking at your rising sign. Mine is Leo, Leo is ruled by the sun, SO my Aries sun 9h is my chart ruler.
Other rulerships: Libra/Taurus - Venus; Scorpio - Pluto, Mars; Sagittarius/Pisces - Jupiter; Pisces - Jupiter, Neptune; Capricorn/Aquarius - Saturn; Aries - Mars, etc.
Your chart ruler is pretty much what guides you throughout life. My Aries sun 9h, I’ve always been into spirituality, traveling, learning. I’m kind of a sponge for information, a 9th house theme. If you have planets in the 9h, you probably live life by your own philosophies.
I have my moon (moods, emotions, processing) in my 6h. My moon is conjunct Neptune (planet of illusion, dreams, healing). I do personally feel like I heal through my dreams & through helping others heal their emotional wounds.
My sense of peace is also centered around having a specific routine that I can follow. While having neptune here brings illusion & a lack of cohesion to what I try to schedule, maintaining some type of balance is key in my daily routine. (Moon 6h)
With having the aspect of moon-neptune though, or neptune in any close aspect to your personal planets, you are able to pick up on slight changes in your environment & sense the feelings of others most likely very well. I think this is one of the reasons I was gifted with tarot.
Moving onto the 7th house of my chart, long term relationships & friendships, I have Uranus here. Uranus is the planet of rebellion & frankly, the house that this planet touches you probably do rebel or carry yourself differently than the norm in.
Since this the house of long term relationships, I will say that I don’t have too many long term friendships or relationships. I’ve found that I’m constantly either evolving or finding out reasons in which I feel unsatisfied.
I like people around me that are weird, eccentric, and daring. With that I’ve also found that I attract people that do not necessarily have the best intentions, which I believe is some kind of karma coming from the fact my North Node (most fulfilling path) is in opposition.
I had a tendency in my previous lifetimes (South Node)/Aquarius to be more of a group oriented person & allow other people’s opinions or lifestyles to guide me down my path. I was more of a team player & would sacrifice my personal happiness for the good of a group (7h).
You have to focus more on what your North Node is guiding you to do in this lifetime. I have North Node in Leo in my 1h, standing out & being authentically myself is in my personal destiny for this lifetime. To stop valuing the opinions of others at the expense of my own.
My Pisces mercury is in the 8h, the house that revolves around death/intimacy(soul)/transformation/inheritance. Having mercury here makes it “easy” to understand the darker side of life I would say, & understanding hidden motives.
I’ve also found that 8th house influence is why I can channel tarot messages so easily. Mercury=communication, being in the 8th house I feel like messages come in from other people’s spirit guides, their angels.
Pisces mercury, I use my emotions to piece together information a lot. I would call myself sensitive because I am, I communicate sensitively & artistically, things don’t necessarily need to “make sense” to make sense. (Water merc. Culture)
Having strong 8th, 9th, & 12th House influence in your natal chart can make you more inclined to be spiritual, or open to the depths. Many people I know with 12th house influence can use the pain they’ve endured in healing to help others in their healing as well.
Coming up on the 10th house, for me this is also my MC, or how the public eye views you/career best fit. Taurus - sensual, earthy, stable; Venus & saturn fall here for me as well. Saturn is the planet of restriction & wherever saturn falls in your chart you’ll feel restraint in.
Saturn in 9th house could feel restricted in their ability to travel for example, or in expanding their personal beliefs. Saturn in 10th house indicates struggle in establishing yourself or with authority figures. I personally have been blackmailed by a professor before. 😗
The 11th house has to do with groups of friends, social circles, online/media presence. If you have strong 11th house influence you probably know how to communicate with the public or get your point across to/the attention of large groups of people.
The 12th house is complicated & likes to keep things under wraps. If you have strong 12h influence you will tend to shut people out & feel alone in your struggles even if you aren’t actually. It’s like an internal battle to rise up from the shadows into your own power.
Oh also I have Chiron in the 5th house (your wound), 5th house having to do with creativity. I always felt like I never had any real “talents”, felt like I lacked the inspiration I needed in a lot of things. What house Chiron falls you will most likely experience this disconnect.
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