The mistake people like Kantbot make is to live under the delusion that in 20 years they will be hailed as the reforming pioneers of democratized erudition, whereas what will happen is that socialite high bourgeoise kids & their orbiters will continue to write history
Imagine being so deluded and ignorant of how power in the social fabric is distributed as to believe that anyone will ever take you seriously whilst cowering beind anonymity because muh cathedral
Now note that I’m not saying these individuals cannot produce great writing or great art, there’s nothing that prevents it in potentiality but there is everything that prevents it from ever being acknowledged beyond a circle of basement dwelling nerds
Voltaire wrote some stuff anonymously and was politically problematic, but he was also drinking and fucking in the houses of the Parisian aristocracy and not being afraid of being sentenced to prison and exiled for his opinions
The only way to be remembered as a pleb is orbiting the high bourgeoise and subverting their tropes from within. Do you know what did Mies van der Rohe do for 19 years before building his revolutionary modern works? He orbited the Berlinese bourgeoise, building trad villas
This is the same architect, on the left ingratiating power while trying to push slowly his modernist agenda, on the right after he had gotten enough status to be given public commissions through his now high-bourgeoise friends
People competing on the internet for attention are like pigs screeching in their overflowing cages, believing that if they headbutt the door enough times the cage will pop open, but it won’t, and they’d be better off kissing bourgeoise ass in order to get published
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