Okay, here's the deal.

I ALWAYS wanted to be a mom. Like, I wasn't even raised Mormon, and that's all I remember wanting. Any career I ever wanted was only a means of supporting my family so I could be a mom.

So I accumulated as much experience as I physically could with kids.
I started babysitting when I was 12. I worked in a daycare. I was even a nanny for 4 years.

I went into motherhood with exceptional resources and skill sets specifically geared towards raising children, and it fulfilled a literal lifelong dream to have children.
I adore each of my kids, who are all very healthy and have no life-altering medical issues, and I genuinely enjoy the act of caring for and raising them immensely.

And this gig still knocks. Me. Flat.

Like, often.

Because this is HARD.

Parenting is so so so HARD!
So when someone comes along who isn't sure they want to be a parent, or even moreso knows they do NOT want to be parent, I never EVER encourage them to do anything they're not already inclined to do.

Because that's INSANE.

And it's cruel, to everyone involved.
There are a MILLION ways to have a rich, fulfilling life. Parenting is just one possible choice to this end.

There are a MILLION ways to give to and enrich the world. Parenting is just one possible choice to this end.

Your worth is inherent, and not based in your reproduction.
You get to decide you whether you want kids. And that's between you, and your partner, and your God.

You do NOT owe any person or any institution children. Not your parents, or your church, or your country, no one.

Anyone who pressures YOU to have kids can go do it themselves.
YOU get to decide exactly what you want to do with your own life.

You are smart, and capable, and whatever you choose should be a reflection of what you want for your own life.

It's not selfish to not have kids you don't want, it's wise, and responsible.

You are enough.
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