I watched the stuff from Matt Hall advocating watered-down forms of CRT? My conclusion-- super white guy stuff. He's trying to take his grad school social science findings, baptize them, and then use them in a way so as to be able to retain old evangelical institutions.
The giveaway that he's trying to co-opt CRT stuff for normie evangelicalism rather than being an actual true believer is his corny sort of "all lives matter" slip.

He says, "If you get really passionate about life in the womb, but you don't give a rip about life in the hood..."
But he doesn't stop there. Nope. What does he add?

"or life in the suburbs or life wherever."

That's blasphemy to the CRT crowd. You absolutely cannot put caring for life in the hood and life in the suburb on equal grounds like that.
Frankly, it's VERY Baptisty to publicly confess yourself to be this great big sinner.

The reason Big Eva leaders say stuff like "I'm a flaming White Supremacist" is not bc they are going to give the shop away to Marxists. It's bc they are trying to "save" their institution.
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