The amount of database work and setup for making this thing is more atrocious than anything I've ever worked on before.

The good thing about being relatively unknown is that there aren't enough people to try and stop me from being extremely on my bullshit
I'm not even showing items, class skills, the skill equip system, the difference between the two resource meters, the town facilities, the dungeon generation system, the time system, the quest system
the stock market, the ecosystem check depending on how many monsters of what types you've been defeating, the government debate system to pass legislation that benefits you
the trait system and how items/elements/statuses work behind the scenes, the sidequest/relationship system for each character, the equipment set bonuses, the crafting system
You know, after writing all of that down, this really is gonna take a long time to make.

I have to do it because goodness knows no one else will or would want to, but I'm definitely leaning more in the direction of doing a crowdfunding thing once I have something playable.
I knew that making a 99 character RPG was not going to be the most complex thing I'd ever make after about a month into it, but this... this really feels like a behemoth. This feels like a genuinely fun challenge to take on.
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