Here's a thought.
There's a bunch of marginalised people doing OSR stuff on this platform. Hello, I am one of them, and I am *far from* alone. I'm aware I'm pretty abrasive, but plenty of other creatives really aren't, they're just lovely.
When people decide to dunk on the OSR for being regressive and toxic towards marginalised people, we get lumped in with that.
I should not have to explain why being told you're responsible for your own oppression feels shit.
And every time there's an osr-dunking-flare-up, people like us get caught in the crossfire.
I see people I love & respect, both as creators & as moral humans, get hurt by this and decide that it's just not worth engaging with rpgtwitter anymore. So we get pushed out of the space
Are there OSR people who are deeply problematic and toxic? Absolutely. And, you know what? I'm pretty sure people in my position - marginalised and/or progressive people *within* the OSR - are doing more to combat them than the people who just dunk on us in general from outside.
But if you have a problem with those people, SAY you're talking about those people. Don't lump in the people who they direct the most hurt against, and who are doing the most to push back against them, that feels really shitty and unfair.
Really, if you're crapping on *any* broad group with a significant proportion of marginalised people active in it, then maybe don't do that. Be specific in your criticisms.
Addendum 1: this is not inspired by any particular event, it's a broad pattern I see keeping on happening on ttrpgtwitter. I would like it to stop happening, please.
Addendum 2: I've dealt with far more abuse from 'big mainstream' rpg communities, and some indie communities, than from the OSR. A big part of why *I* am so attached to the OSR is that my experience of getting involved was far more welcoming and non-toxic than those other spaces.
Addendum 3: please play nice in the comments. People using this thread to fling shit in ways I don't like are getting blocked.
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