The economy is a conceptual construct, not a physical thing. It only exists because we say it exists. And if it falls apart this easily, then maybe that should tell you something.

Like perhaps that it was never very solid in the first place.
Ask any engineer and they’ll tell you the same thing. Constructs collapse if they’re not built on a solid foundation.

A foundation of abuse and exploitation was never going to be solid. Especially when all it did was repackage feudalism and classisms.
Because make no mistake. Capitalism merely traded one set of servant class for another.

Just look at the “reopen” protests. People wearing & carrying several thousand dollars worth of guns & tac gear whining about how they deserve to get their hair cut.
Look at hospitals filled with doctors and nurses, whose education is critical and also but them hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.

Look at grocery stores and amazon, filled with people forced to work unsafely for an unlivable wage.
If you think we got rid of the servant class, think again. It’s you, it’s me, it’s the guy bagging your groceries or delivering your mail, the person who’s out of work right now that would be grateful to get back to doing your hair or nails except there’s a pandemic on right now.
But still we talk about the economy like it’s this tangible thing.

It’s not. It’s a figment if our imagination. It’s numbers on a computer. There’s nothing real about it, just the power we give it, the rules we create.

And yet our leaders are happy sacrificing their servant class for that concept.

All because they want to preserve the status quo. A status quo that does. Not. Work. They just want you to believe it does.
Conceptual constructs like the economy only work if everyone buys in. If everyone believes.

Maybe it’s time we stopped buying into a false concept built on a shaky foundation.
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