@BTS_twt is sending ahead 30 shipping containers of equipment, which will become Ferenchak’s temporary new neighbors. The production will be one of the biggest...—as massive as Taylor Swift’s Reputation tour in 2018, which became the top-grossing concert tour in U. S. history.” https://twitter.com/ericsull/status/1253334254777282572
This reminds me that most big acts have 2 sets of props/staging/equipment for their tour. They’ll send one ahead to the next venue while using one for the concert. https://twitter.com/modooborahae/status/1243347968675250177
“The Studio is the greatest rehearsal space in the world, used by the biggest acts in the world. Including, in a few weeks, BTS. They have booked the Studio for almost a month to practice for their summer tour.”

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