Today I was informed via tweet (sound familiar?) that #mileg will be called to a special session tomorrow to vote on bills to strip @GovWhitmer of her ability to act during this state of emergency & a resolution to establish an oversight committee for the handling of COVID-19. 1/
Earlier this week, MI House Republicans unveiled their "plan" to “open up” Michigan; not a single word about testing was in that document. You can see for yourself here: 2/
Last week, I was incredibly saddened by the shameless, naked partisanship shown by my colleagues who encouraged protestors who were not practicing social distancing or appropriate public health measures during a protest at the Capitol. 3/
Today, there were people blaring music outside the Governor’s residence and weed-whipping the lawn. What they were attempting to accomplish through this behavior, I’m not sure. 4/
I’m of course supportive of the first amendment and the rights of people to peaceably assemble to make their voices heard, but endangering the public by blocking traffic and engaging in actions that likely spread this virus doesn’t encourage folks to take you seriously. 5/
Here’s what we know: the overwhelming majority of Michiganders trust Governor Whitmer and Democrats to handle this crisis. This latest ploy is more proof that Republicans have chosen politics over people. 6/
If they were genuinely serious about oversight, they would have come to the table with House and Senate Democrats to craft a plan together — not ambushing members with a last-minute session after they saw the latest round of polling. 7/
Even though we have not been in session, we are hard at work in our district, working to get all of you the resources and information you need. We’re drafting legislation to expand the state’s burial fund for folks who cannot afford to bury their loved ones... 8/ round-tables with restaurateurs to learn what they need and what we can do to support them, and virtual town halls with superintendents to inform our constituents about public school plans to operate virtually. 9/
I'm committed to working with anyone who is willing to roll up their sleeves and set partisanship aside to get the right things done for all Michiganders, during this crisis and after it’s over. 10/
You can follow @MariManoogian.
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