So this will probably be my last political post for this election cycle. What I've come to isn't a popular message and it pisses people off so I'll explain my thinking once, in this thread, and then shut up about it.

I don't think people should vote for establishment dems. 1/
Beyond Biden being good or bad. Beyond what happened to Sanders. Beyond the rape allegations and whether or not they're true.

The establishment dems aren't just bad, they've made it clear, repeatedly, that this is what they think the course is. 2/
They want to move right, not left. They don't want proper healthcare. They don't want a green new deal, even a green infrastructure jobs creation program. They don't want a livable minimum wage. They don't wanna increase taxes on the rich.

This is what they stand for. 3/
"Nothing will fundamentally change"

In 2018 the idea was that if the dems got a majority, they would slow down Trump.

Pelosi and Schumer haven't. They've repeatedly given Trump awful things he wants for no reason and with nothing in return.

This leads me to my conclusion 4/
The dems, with their milquetoast neoliberal incrementalism are mere steps away from being like the Republicans only a bit more concerned with their brands, cause to liberals they don't wanna look like the bad guys.

They're conservative corporatists. That's their values. 5/
Their leadership over the last 20 years (all of my adult life), or lack thereof is just as much the reason why we're here now, with Trump, as the GOP. 20 years of enabling the GOP because of corporate interests hasn't helped either.

They won't save us.

They don't care. 6/
And voting for the lesser evil all this time is how we got here, too. You can't enable these people sneaking money to friendly corporations during a crisis while saying no to M4A during a pandemic and doing absolutely nothing for common people by voting for them in November. 7/
I don't know what the solution is. If you don't vote for them, worse will happen. But if you do, things will continue to get worse too. Healthcare. Global warming. Debt. Homelessness. Probably even immigrant concentration camps.

It's damned if you do damned if you don't. 8/
So if it were me (and I'm only allowed to "vote" for candidates with my wallet by donating) I would not reward the establishment dems ineffectual corporatism and their constant enabling of this slow descent deeper into fascism because of capitalist interests in November. 9/
I would show up and vote. I would make my voice heard. I would vote against the GOP leadership like McConnell, Graham, Cruz, etc by voting for the blue candidate.

I would vote for blue progressive candidates

And for everything else including the president I would vote green 10/
That way, electorally, I would be sending the biggest signal I could to the democratic party that this shit isn't going to fly anymore while trying to curb the GOP's worst excesses.

I can respect anyone's choice to vote blue no matter who but I can't go along with it anymore 11/
Anyway. That's where I stand. I can't do it anymore. I'm done with the democratic party because they're never, NEVER, going to fucking save us. Let all of DC sink into the swamp and let them all burn in hell.

And this is the last you'll hear from me this election cycle.

I'll mute this soon since no doubt this thread will probably cause people to come at me with knives out.

But hey at least y'all got me to shut up about it after this so nobody can accuse me of throwing the election for Trump!
Oh and before anyone leverages the "well you're privileged, it won't affect you!" accusation at me: I'm a queer poor person with asthma going through the immigration system, it fucking affects me.
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