This video is #2 so watch #1first then this one.
With everything that I've seen and heard I think I can start to connect some dots with this virus. @RaeAnon
First: there have been some speculations that there were some hints that different
Additives were added to the virus. I saw where some nurses in China were suffering from the virus and had skin discoloration to their skin. Melatonin is a possible additive or adrenochrome.
Second: elites are pushing for a vaccine instead of a cure. Why? Possibly bcz what they
could put in the vaccine, like ADC and other things(not sure what but it could be anything).
Third: Elites don't want a cure bcz the cure could some how harm them or cause them to not look so young.
Fourth: HCQ is the cure for the vampire syndrome or Kuru by another name.
Do the elites want this cure? I say no bcz they are all in with the satanic rituals and all that is involved with it.
Fifth: who is involved? Let start with Hollywood, leaders, rulers of other countries, CIA, FBI, DOS(past adm), Men in Black, etc. The bloodlines are all involved.
The point I'm making is this: the elites don't want to be cured of this virus. They want to continue to agenda 201us all for depopulation. Dr. Fauci in years past said something of the sort. Is he part of the cabal? I say yes and so is Dr. Brix. They are all part of this and must
Be stopped so our nation will never be exposed to this type of tyrannical control these ppl have over the rest of the world.
@threadreaderapp please unroll this thread
about the dots. Thank you
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