What is Agenda 2021/2030?

This is a globalist agenda using the UN/Trilateral/Bilderberg groups to slowly pass international laws into affect to drain every country dry of wealth and resources through a fraudulent banking system to enrich a select few elite..
With vast wealth while the 99% struggles on a day to day basis, ultimately stripping sovereignty away from citizens in disguise for security, slowly taking away your rights and conforming to a one world government, 1 leader, and 1 religion, for anyone who ...
Doesn't fall in line shall be sent to reeducation camps (fema) or punished in a sever way, to all could become with the coming of 3 world wars to mentally infect the mind of the individual to believe that a one world government is in their best interests..
So that the individual would accept not knowing the true outcome, this can only be accomplished by taking away the arms of the citizens and controlling the media to further brainwash any who oppose, to which at that point will have little retaliation to...
Fight against tyranny.

This is a fully documented fact that they have persude for centuries, they came very close, now with the power of social media, we can fight back!

Know your enemy
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