I think one day I’d love to write a gen fic really exploring Dorothea’s relationship with Mittelfrank bc I cant even imagine how complex it is. Mittelfrank is LITERALLY her saving grace and simultaneously the source of some of her greatest trauma.
Mittelfrank is the place where she was largely raised and presumably the place she learned to read and write alongside her musical studies. Mittelfrank was her family for all of her teenage years. iirc in her supports she explicitly says she would’ve died without Mittelfrank.
On top of that, it’s obvious she has a passion for music and performance. She really, truly loves singing and loves using her voice. Mittelfrank gives her an outlet to shape and mold something dear to her in order to touch an audience of hundreds to thousands.
And at the same time, Mittelfrank is where she found that voice stolen from her. It’s where she learned her worth in Enbarr is boiled down to that voice and her looks alone. It’s where she learned that if she wants to survive, she has to surrender those things to the nobility.
I like to think that the members of the troupe really, really tried to protect her as best they could in her youth. I also unfortunately think the management in charge of the troupe tried to sell her as advertisement as best they could.
And I can only imagine what Manuela’s retirement did to the troupe. I can only imagine the competition that ramped up to take her place, and what may have happened amongst the actors and actresses struggling to become the next big star.
idk maybe it sounds like I’m trying to write Mittelfrank off as simply being bad but as a musician I can say ensembles have such a weird dynamic. Like I’ve felt very very close with many people I’ve been in ensembles and worked with and played with but claws come out SO easily
And the people that manage ensembles in terms of administrative stuff just DON’T know or understand performers sometimes. I can’t help but assume that’s the case for a renowned opera company in the capital of an empire
this is why I really vibe with the narrative of Dorothea sticking with Mittelfrank in some form after the war. I like the thought of her returning to the people who she loves as family and working her way up in the ranks to improve it
Like the thought of Dorothea being welcomed back as a head songstress (perhaps spending her years in that role aiding El+Hubert against TWSitD) then training and working in composition... perhaps becoming famous enough to own and manage a part of Mittelfrank? Effervescent
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