This is significant for two reasons:

First: The handful of trump groupies at the "Yay #COVID19!" rally on Tuesday represent a small minority, and didn't deserve anywhere near the wall-to-wall press coverage they got.

#ncpol #reopenNC (1/)
Second: If Gov. Cooper were to ignore public health experts & #reopenNC, it would make things even worse for businesses & workers. 69% support for stay-home orders means that even if businesses are open, there will be few (if any) customers. #ncpol
And without a government stay-home order, businesses would lose access to insurance claims & be on the hook for workers' unemployment — and workers who didn't want to risk their lives working amid a viral pandemic wouldn't be able to file for unemployment. #reopenNC #ncpol
The #reopenNC people think the alternative to the stay-home order is "economy open, everything back to normal."

They're wrong. "Normal" won't be back for a long time.

The alternative is more workers getting sick, customers staying home, & more businesses going under.

tl/dr: Not only are the handful of trump groupies in #reopenNC opposed by the vast majority of NC, but the unpopularity of their cause also means they're 100% wrong on the merits.

The way out of this is more testing & contact tracing, not an unsafe reopening.

#ncpol (5/5)
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