So, the poll said dub. I may try an episode or two of both. But anyway. Onward, FMA:B! ... god this op is fucking stunning what the hell.
So, much like the BNHA openings that made me *feel things* and Im sure that bodes well. ... Also did I see square enix in the opening credits what-
I have no idea if Im going to like liveblog comments in this thread or if I'm just screaming about the OP tbh. so we'll see? at any rate it'll be slow bc I'm actually at work and I can't watch episodes and talk to customers at the same time, it's too much
this is like the third time im listening to this op, I haven't even watched anything but the pre-op scene yet. ... I'll get there.
it took like, all day but I'm almost done with the first episode. it's a big change of pace from the way the first one started. ... not complaining!
I like the introduction to the characters and what they can do, like, first, despite the fact that I remember all these things, for the most part. The reminder that there was a terrible war... Im enjoying it so far!
I'm almost disappointed that was the last we'll see of the freezing alchemist dude. ... I recognized that character at the end. Lust? Was her name lust? ... Well, we'll see. Next episode looks like flashback to childhood, so that'll be a refresher course
Okay *today* we're watching the second episode. I'm slow these days I know. it's been uhhh busy. ...I'm technically at work and watching around messages but im enjoying it? So we're going to Liore and righ tthe priest, I remember this kind of. They were such cute kids.
its interesting because like I know how this goes but I dont feel bored watching it like i did when I was rewatching fma? I guess that's probably a good sign lmao
oh holy shit the actual scene where they try to transmute up their mother is WAY different
....ow. that was painful. fuck the voice acting is Something.
15 minutes in and i'm not sure how I still have a heart intact. Roy and Riza are there. And they Know. Of course Old Lady Rockabel is very against making the boys state alchemists and like. I can't blame her? she's not wrong
...yes lets transmute what appears to be a large polearm and rush at the leader guy. that's a good idea.
I mean. it made his point. it wa sjust kind of wow. And next episode, onward to Liore!
...Okay, it's now literally over a month later but I'm watching the next episode! The theme song is still absolutely amazing. I wonder if Liore is going to go basically the same as it did in the original... well. We'll see!
Funny side note, Ed is exactly the sort of puffed up peacock of a protagonist that usually drives me nuts (or he seems to be so far) and certainly he makes me twitch. But Al is an absolute joy.
I'm not sure it will ever Not be funny that bc of the name "full metal" everyone assumes it Al. bc. Al's the one that is metal.
You know I do feel bad for this girl, who like, truly believes. bc she's been lied to? and bc I see a lot of hyper religious people in her? but also like. having someone shit on your faith is... ouch
though I will say it's weird to hear her praying solemnly and then have her be like "if you believe I'm sure you'll grow taller" like. WoW.
Sure lets just kill these alchemists in front of one of our flock. she's so wrapped around our finger she'll believe us when we call them bad people. I mean. they're right but also damn really.
edward monologues like a villain. Except he doesn't wait until he "thinks" this plan is unbeatable. He just monologues. I know this is in part to tell the audience what's going on, but it's actually currently one of my only gripes about the whole show so far.
Like. Edward opens his mouth and exposition falls out. I hope that smooths over at some point.
...if I have to hear about the price for human transmutation one more time... I'm joking. Mostly. P:
Anyway. Father shoots at them, could have killed Rose. Rose is still defending him because! her boyfriend will totally be brought back and I'm kind of :/ man I feel for you girl but also pls
I'm kind of glad we didn't see rose's boyfriend actually get "raised" only not to be actually the right person. I hope she has a chance to heal and move on a bit. Next episode! eventually.
Im gonna try to watch episode four today, but I have some Fears.
So we start the episode off with a serial killer(?) taking out a state alchemist. So long yet another state alchemist I barely knew... but I am curious about the method of murder what the hell was *that*
And then we just kind of cut away. So the elric brothers have been taking out various crimes and Roy knows they're looking for a philosophers stone.
oh, right right. this is how they end up with Shou. Because Shou's the chimera expert.
"ever since my wife ran out on me" Yeah okay you jerk I know what you really did >_> this shoudl be the last episode I know the truth of, tbf. but Im salty in the meantime
"you transmuted your own mother" It's always interesting to hear them admit that they Did That because it's one of the taboos. So you'd think like, it was illegal? they should get in trouble? but no?
like I guess the idea is that they lost enough when it rebounded on them but like... they're literally talking about doing it again, to transmute their bodies back.
nina is cuuuuute. Meanwhile these two are reading and I don't liketrust Shou. Not that I should. I think im supposed to but Ive got to say the glasses glint thing is usually not a Good sign you know
watching him hug nina is so polarizing bc like you can tell? he cares? but also? all I can think is... how long have you been planning to do this to her...
So Nina reminded the brothers of themselves and their father. Interesting... ...oo we're back discussing the killer. targetting state alchemists. it's really not an easy target, i suspect there's a reason for that.
Aaand back to Nina and Shou. Their life was hard before, bc they were poor and struggling. I can see why that kind of desperation might push one to crazy things but I'm still... yikes.
As they see Nina's chimera, the moment of sheer wonderment may be the worst. where they hear her talking and they're so amazed bc chimera dont do that. And then they realize...
Shou being like "but you transmuted people too :))))))))" after making his own daughter a chimera is awful bc he's not wrong? but also the boys were kids desperately trying to see their mother again vs a dude who basically murdered his wife and daughter....
and Roy just. Calmly pointing out that sometimes Bad Shit Happens, basically.
at any rate, I'm still not sure what to make of this dude with the X shaped scar. But I can't say I was sorry to see Shou die. ...and Nina. well. :c I was sad to see her die but also like there was no way of fixing her so I Get It. What I dont get is why scar is doing this.
so as a recap, the last episode I watched uhhh almost a full month ago omg, again? Anyway, that episode marks the end of what I had seen of the original fma. I'm going to try to watch another episode today, but I can't promise. We'll see!
Okay, *today* apparently. Today we start FMAB 5: Rain of Sorrows!
So im rewatching the op and I noticed, like really just now realized there's a third character with that shade of blond hair and the. particular whispyness of the front fringe. Is that. Is that the Elric Brother's father?
And after the gutting episode 4, and the recap that hurt almost as much! we open with... a flashback.
Their mom had the dead anime mom ponytail. I'd almost forgotten about that. Anyway, onto the actual flashback and the adorableness that was the elric brothers as children
Okay that was cute for about 30 seconds and then. And then we got a flashback to the THING they created when they tried to bring her back to life and hi hello that will be joining nina's chimera in my nightmares for a while.
Sidenote, I actually quite like edward's hair loose. but I have a thing for long hair in general so dont mind me...
Oooh they were going to strip him of his title and then try him. But then he was murdered. Right! the scar dude killed him and Nina.
And Riza won't let them come to the scene. "It's best you don't see this" I have a feeling she's trying to protect them in the sense that they're still quite young even if they are "state alchemists" which is totally valid. Hope we see more Riza this episode.
But before we make any more progress on scar, and interlude to the priest dude that I ....honestly hoped we'd never see again. Welp
*squint* or... it's. One of these people named after the 7 deadly sins who *looks* like the priest guy. This is kind of interesting! Gluttony...Envy... I swear her name is Lust.
...marginally disturbed by gluttony literally eating the guy. Those noises... but you know. Here we are.
Hmmm. So the Sins People ( brain is trying to hand me homunculus. homunculi? anyway) are concerned about this scar guy interferring because edward is an important sacrifice.
So, we're back to the alchemists. We know nothing about the attacker except for the scar on his face (haha. Haha. Scar. Okay anyway). 10 killed so far. One of those killed was a "top figure" in weapon transmutation.
I still really want to know what this scar dude's bone to pick *is*. Like obviously he's got issues with the state alchemists. and like. On the one hand, I can kind of see it. the state alchemists are definitely not...pure. Recruiting a child solider and that. Chimera. Thing.
But he's clearly not on the side of the homunculi group either. Because Lust(?) was definitely concerned about him going after Edward because it would obviously throw another wrench in whatever their plans are. ...Something about inciting a war it seemed like?
I mean there's got to be more to it than that, but that definitely seems like what they're trying to do. Start some kind of a war between the religious group and nonbelievers. I'm sure it has less to do with the religion itself and more to do with it being a good tool.
people tend to get a little nutty about religion after all.
Anyway, the group around Roy Mustang (the flame alchemist!) is worried that he's on the list of targets, and wants him to lay low. And maybe increase the number of people with him at any given time. Makes sense, don't want him to die. ...Doubt it'll happen though.
Roy doesn't really strike me as the type to lay low and let others bleed for him while he's safe. Which I'm sure is strongly influenced by fandom given we've seen him for less than 5 minutes total on screen so far.
but you know, here we are. This interpretation is one I'm standing by.
But Roy. Roy actually doesn't seem to be concerned about himself when the dude said that bit about him and tucker being the only ones of note around. And we flash to Edward and Al. ... I have. Concerns. Many concerns. They're alone, aren't they...
Side note, sort of, I just want to say the voicework so far on edward is stellar. He sounds. So broken by what he saw last episode I can't even. It's *amazingly* well done. and it's making my heart hurt. like. A lot.
Listening to this monologue is interesting because on the one hand I get where he's coming from, but on the other hand... like. it's so incredibly human to want to do something about things we can't change. To want to bring someone back because they were lost.
or to want to right some specific wrong because morality says it should be made right. Recognizing that you can't do anything about it, that -is- growth, even if the want to change things doesn't...go away.
anyway I didn't dislike edward before, but I think I honestly like him now. even if he is so often an exposition tool.
And Alphonse out here with the gutpunch: he can't even feel the rain hitting his skin bc obviously he's just metal. That needed to be added in the midst of this!
O. O shit. Here amid the quiet desolation and essentially mourning. There's the scar guy. I knew that was going to happen. >>
Okay, Al managed a pretty badass save (can Alphonse die like this? by the way? like he doesn't have a body can this scar dude kill him???) e.e And I'll give Edward credit for running rather than trying to stand and fight given how little he knows about the situation.
Scar gives 0 fucks about collateral damage holy shit. *squint* if there are creators like you then there must also be destroyers. Well that's relatively straight forward and yet doesn't answer the question.
OHSHITOHGODOHNO that was like a huge chunk of AL's body.
...Bodily deconstruction. Well I guess now I know what he's doing, exactly that is killing people with a touch. And. instead of running Ed is going to fight now because....because... well. probably because Scar will rip apart the city to keep chasing him, realistically.
it took that guy no time at all to rip apart the automail arm. Which isn't shocking given what he did to alphonse's body but also. like. Shit.
so we went from creators and destroyers talk to... "you are the only one who is receiving judgement" which sounds a lot closer to my original thought that he's got a bone to pick with alchemists in general...
....Okay, I know. I know he can't actually die here because this series is way too long to lose the apparent mc on episode 5. but is. Edward really okay with just laying here and letting this Scar dude kill him if it protects Al? Im torn between that's sweet and horror.
Aha. And there's Roy here to save the day. but somehow I doubt taking scar into custody is going to actually happen.
Aaaand there it is. He doesn't like alchemists because they interfere with the "natural order" of things. Changing things from their natural form to...well, whatever the alchemist wants, within some specific limitations.
Oh. Oh Scar is one of Those. Who thinks he's doing gods work by killing people he deems...unacceptable/against god.
OH! that's where this line and gif if Riza comes from!!!! I love how. Gungho and ready to go the Flame Alchemist was. Knowing its pouring down rain and he's. Absolutely not going to be okay.
Anyway, Roy is absolutely a fire elemental because that's something I would do on days my fire sign comes out. (I'm assuming he planned to bluff his way through it, or really trusted Riza). Not the point.
I've seen art of this dude with the spiked knuckles but mate I have no idea what his name is. Anyway he's fucking awesome and I love him.
Ed's just laying here while half of the office appears to defend him and Al. Or probably more accurately to put a stop to Scar's killings, but it's an interesting sentiment all the same.
If I'd waited another like 30 seconds I see we have a name. Alex Louis Armstrong. ...The...Strong Arm Alchemist. Because that's not on the nose at all I love it. I love how blunt most of these are.
I also only love this guy more every time he talks. Admonished not to destroy so much of the city? Pff. Destruction and creation are two sides of the same coin (but also like scar is not going down easily guys)
I am with Riza on the stripping down to no shirt. Like. Why though?
Im not sure why it didn't occur to me that Scar was probably an Alchemist. except for the fact that... that... he just touches things. There's no transmutation circle? I mean Ed doesn't use one either but...does. does that mean Scar once tried human transmutation too?
does his murder of people in this particular manner *count* as human transmutation?
Anyway, Scar is fast, Armstrong is shockingly fast for his size, and this fight is surprisingly interesting. And that's coming from someone who usually likes fights ... like. the Least in any show.
Ishvalan. Well that's a word I don't recognize but it sounds like. a race...maybe? Wait wait. No. It is familiar. Not extremely but right at the edge of my memory. Wasn't there a war? Winry's parents. Maybe the elric brother's dad?
Hm. Well. Scar escaped, which I figured, though I didn't expect dropping into the sewers. Armstrong admits that he was less "buying time" for the others and more barely surviving the onslaught.
Al you scared the shit out of me you little- okay. Edward did deserve that. To be fair. But also if he'd kept making scar chase him who knows if the others would have caught up in time to save you both. Never mind like. Civilians.
But... you know. Al did watch basically as his brother submitted to be killed by scar and was only saved because Roy has a talent for being in the right place at the right time or something. Managing to track them couldn't have been easy.
Al has a very passionate speech and like. he's right? they can't give up yet. Just because it's hard. ... but uh. repairing their bodies is going to be A Challenge.
There's something incredibly touching about Riza putting her jacket on Edward and I can't put it in words except. Like. Yeah. That.
yeah I bet explaining away the fact that the brother is an empty suit of armor WOULD be quite fucking hard. ... I'm amazed it hasn't been an issue yet tbh
Oh. Hello. Ishavalan! And they were... a group of people who believed this one god was the creator of all. Oh. Oh boy. Oh I was right! There was a war with them! because. a military officer killed a child. :/ accidentally, supposedly but like. Yikes.
That's actually. Like one of many things that are incredibly sad but it puts a whole new spin on the homunculi wanting to start a war specifically from a religious sect their stirring up.
Im sorry the order was to WHAT no wonder Scar is targeting state alchemists like this holy shit.
Was that ...Envy in that shot while Roy is speaking- hmmm. Anyway. So the state alchemists took an order to basically commit genocide. and. Did it. Now the homunculi want to start another similar or more vicious effect?
Aaaand now they have to go home. Because Winry/winry's grandmother(?) are the ones who set up the automail in the first place and it makes sense that they'd be the ones to go to now that it's in shards.
So that was episode 5! I may try to tackle six today, or it may wait until tomorrow but that shot of winry at the end of this episode has me pretty excited. I'm glad we got to see some of the other alchemists in action.
I just wanted to add really quick from discord -- the longer I chew on that "was that envy" the more I'm thinking
they also started that war. And rather than a military officer just accidentally killing a child it was... intentionally sparked for some goal.
what that specific goal may be though... I'm not yet sure.
So! Episode 6, Road of Hope. The Elric brothers are going home. (and we're going to see Winry!!!! I'm excited, I actually really like Winry!)
And armstrong is coming. which actually makes perfectly logical sense because if Scar (or...anyone, really) attacks right now, Al and Ed are in no shape to defend themselves. ...Alphonse in the cargo with sheep seems a bit. Strange. but uh. I mean he can't sit with them either...
That book looks almost comically tiny in armstrong's hands. Im sure it's supposed to. And the journey has been uneventful except we ran into an old state alchemist who immediately ran. Went missing after the war. omg he's an artist- okay look I have to sidebar here.
you see. Armstrong is a weirdly comforting character but he feels like he came out of my own head. In the sense of like. I have an OC, right, who's this. Huge dude, v tall, built pretty solidly. Absolutely wrecking ball on the battlefield. But he's a skilled artist. And armstrong
really makes me think of this character. The major differences are fighting style (mine used knives rather than a brawler style) and hair color - black hair and blue eyes instead of blond and blue. And I'm. yeah anyway, peek into Aery's head, go!
"I'm asking you to calm down" -throws a giant box with Al in it at the guy- yeah that'll help. >> Sir Pls. Oh. The dr was ordered to research the Stone. the one Ed and Al are looking for. And something about that research... well. It was enough to send him into hiding.
I have a few theories. I suspect creating one can't possibly be easy. The the guy being so bothered that he freaked this badly says. A Lot. So like does creating one require a massive sacrifice. Is that the thing? Or was it just. Getting the information along with the war?
So... he took his research materials and the stone itself? Well, it's a red liquid substance that tbh reminded me of blood when he first showed it so that's. Not making me change my mind about the "massive sacrifice" theory.
And this liquid is an incomplete form. Dr dude doesn't know how much power it really has or if it will like run out of power eventually, they don't know the limit. Which is interesting! And. Edward is super interested in it because of course he is.
Which i want to make clear - I understand why he is interested. But I am quite concerned about the fact that it's very possible that ed could do really terrible things during his obsessive chase to fix himself and his brother. And Im worried bc like. He's so young and its so easy
to like go down the wrong path with that kind of power. Even if he starts out just wanting to fix himself and Al. Where does it end? Nevermind we still dont know what it took to create even this incomplete form, never mind what it will take to finish the stone.
I do have to say, Ed really needs to learn to be more subtle. I know he's like. 15, 16, so I should give some slack but ffs. This is a taboo, right, the thing you did to break yourself and your brother? You should. Really consider being less obvious about it!
"I have to keep lying here until I achieve my goal, even if it's on a bed of thorns" is a very cool way of phrasing that you're going to chase this until you find it or it kills you but like. Damn son. And poof. Just like that, the Dr knows what they did. And again there's going
to be no actual consequence for the knowledge being shared. So tell me, what's the point of making a big deal about it being a taboo? Dr seems impressed with Al being attached to the armor. Thinks maybe Al could produce a complete stone. ...there's a catch here isn't there.
And I do mean other than refusing to show them his materials. Well, except he changed his mind, but man does he seem certain it's going to fuck them up. I mean, I'm certain it is tbh. And it's hidden... in a library. Clever but just about anyone could find it accidentally...
Awww shit. That was Lust behind him when he closed the door. >< Welp. that's going to be trouble. But also omg the dog is so cute! and. Winry!!!!!
Winry is cuuuute. ...Even if her method of greeting -was- throwing a wrench at Ed's head. ...Hey the dog. has an automail leg that's a great touch. I also love how ed asks for a week and they say 3 days like dang. Okay you two.
Oooo this is tasty backstory. So their father was a drinking pal of the older Rockabel. And so she's been kind of looking after them. I'd guessed she might be a friend of the mother who started when she got sick... but neat angle instead.
So she just. Tells Armstrong all this stuff about them and. we have a beautiful shot of edward and the house and then they go back. And Armstrong latches onto him and hugs him and god I love this guy. I see many like him.
Oh. Armstrong didn't know that was what he was doing, he just knew the taboo was done. Omg. That was a lot to tell this guy though! Winry, working so hard on this. Edward... buzzing around in her bubble. (also wow his hair is longer than I realized) This is surprisingly accurate.
Ah, right. Connecting the automail is a very painful process. Which, to be fair makes sense. Alos, you know. Talking about no longer needing the automail in front of the people who are making this possible seems weirdly insensitive. Just me? esp after winry was up for like days
just to make this happen. They take it reasonably well. And winry is definitely a mechanic at heart. though ive got to say I didn't expect schoolgirl crush style animation while she talked about automail. it's fantastic i love it. I love her.
Aww winry really did wake up just to see them off that's so cute. And you two should visit more! they're like. the closest thing to family you have left gosh. But that! Was the end of the episode.
Pinned the first post of this thread to my twitter so I can stop hunting it down every time I'm ready to start an episode since there are such huge gaps. I'm not sorry about the gaps y'all life keeps eating me. Anyway, today we're going to watch the next episode!
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