NEW/EXC - deeply shocking story. GPs are STILL begging Home Sec @patel4witham to relax 'Shipman' rules on prescriptions that mean people are dying at home with #CoronaVirus facing “significant and unnecessary distress and pain” 1/Thread
The really shocking part is that Royal College of GPS @rcgp raised this several weeks ago, along with @hospiceuk and others.

The rules mean some people in pain and distress are waiting "hours" for morphine and muscle relaxants that can make death dignified. /2
That is not me talking but the chair of @rgcp Martin Marshall @MartinRCGP in a letter to Priti Patel begging her to act after what is now nearly a month of's an astonishing letter. (My highlights) /3
Regular readers will know that @FT reported on this situation - people unnecessarily suffering in their homes - on April 9. That was 14 days ago. And this had been occurring for weeks before. How many more days do people have to suffer "unnecessarily"?/4
What does that mean? Well it means that when #COVID19 patients go down hill, it can happen fast. You hyperventilate. You panic as you cannot breathe. That means you need morphine and a relaxant, like Midazolam. Recall these accounts from @hospiceuk in that story /5
Why does it take a letter from Royal College of GPs @rcgp to try and badger @patel4witham to move on this? Perhaps a lawyer can explain? I've asked Home Office for a comment. No reply so far. Tick tock... /6
The NHS has just (literally 5 minutes ago) sent a response, which says that they will "publish new guidance which will ensure people in care homes continue to get the medicines they need when they need them.”

Doesn't say when. And I'm told they've been saying this for days. /7
Which begs the question, how many more days?

Because every day that passes, is a day where someone is suffering "unnecessarily" per @MartinRCGP letter.

How many more days? Better hope it's not your loved waiting 'hours' for drugs that are available. /8
And to be clear, this is not 'just' the Royal College of GPs who are forcing this into the open. Trying to browbeat and embarrass the Home Office to act.

Both @hospiceuk and @mariecurieuk have added their considerable voices to getting government to move. /9
Small break now - must go clap for NHS. Back five... /10
Here's what @TraceyBleakley boss of @hospiceuk said.

“This has been an issue for a number of weeks now...."

A number of weeks. Wow. /11
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