(1/2)The marauder in doom eternal is such an awesome addition to the doom... he act's as a good challenge for the player that's because he IS you, and he acts so differently than the other demons and I love that! He makes the gameplay experience so..
So much more interesting and intense everytime you encounter and engage him! Yes he can be a pain for those who didn't expect him, but there are ways to defeat the marauder in the game and ways to get ammo and health through zombies that spawn in the fight...
You use them as live stock for your ammo and to defeat and battle the marauder you use your super shotgun or the ballista when he's exposed that's when after he has struck his moves then once he has been stunned use your grenades or shoot him when he's exposed..
Doom eternal isn't a unfair experience.. it just shows you that you still need time to adapt to it..

The marauder is such a phenomenal enemy and without him? The game would loose that extra flavor that spices up the game itself.
To the doom sandbox*

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