Woooooo boy. a LOOOT of games on sale this weekend. as you may know, before my weekly Games On Sale Recommendation Thread, I try to play the games I haven't played yet that are on sale so I can recommend them. usually there are just a few. but now? Oh my.
which means I'm gonna have to pick which games to try out and which ones to just leave off the thread until next time.
I'm actually still searching and recording everything. Once I do, I might want some suggestions on what I should prioritize.
(PS: let this be a reminder that I can recommend waaay more games than just those I list in the weekly thread. Like games that are not currently on sale, or games on sale I haven't personally played, but I still think are good. Feel free to DM me for more recommendations.)
((...also sometimes I don't list a game in a given week's thread because it's reeeeally popular and the thread is too long already, or I listed it last week and the same sale is still going))
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