1/1 As the #coronavirus #lockdownuk #ToryGenocide continues, I'd like to talk about my first time as a #Whistleblower

I didn't know the term then - that came later on

But after months of complaints & the manager doing nothing - I finally acted & oh boy, the sh*t that came out
1/2 I was living in N Wales at the time & had landed a job as an administrator at a prestigious #holidayhome park

It was a great number. Beautifully located right next to the beach Smart corporate uniform Clubhouse next door Swimming pool

Nice boss

Dang I thought I'd landed!
1/3 But often nothing is ever as it seems, is it?

You climb aboard all in good faith

Everyone seems nice

& then the cracks begin to show

At first I was really impressed with my boss Excellent salesman Good fun Considerate & chatty.
We hit it off

Soon I was his #GirlFriday
1/4 Little knowing I was actually being #groomed

Because this is how certain #bullies operate

They charm and they manipulate you into a false sense of security

They go all out to secure your goodwill and your trust

and there's always usually a reason - #always

Oh yeah...
1/5 The first sign I saw of the beast that lurked within

was a few weeks later when I was sent a catalogue from HQ to choose my uniform

After browsing at leisure & making my choice

I then passed the order to my boss for submission

and everything changed

- in an instant
1/6 I looked on in confusion as his face lost its customary bonhomie look

and became flushed and angry

VERY angry

His eyes were on the slip of paper

riveted almost -

like a man possessed

I watched this transition as Hyde turned into Dr Jekyll

and then he erupted

1/7 And the issue ?

The issue was the skirt - or as in this case - the lack of one

I had ordered trousers & that - in his eyes was a cardinal sin

I couldn't believe my ears as he let rip with the most sexist politically-incorrect diatribe I had EVER heard


1/8 Once the shock wore off I rallied and told him it was MY RIGHT to choose what I wore

That only served to inflame him more

By this time his shouting had come to the attention of the lifeguard who came into the office looking equally shocked

He told me to order a skirt -
1/9 I bloody well refused

He ranted some more - I stuck to my guns

& then


He THREW the catalogue across the office before stomping off into his

The lifeguard & I exchanged a long look
Just #WTF was that!

I got my trousers & he tried to smooth the now rippling waters
1/10 But it was never the same -

a line had been crossed

He was like the jolly pub drunk who could turn in his cups

& I was suitably wary

He was obviously a man not to be crossed

He also had good standing

with the head boss

& family tucked nicely away in other locations
1/11 I loved my job & they were a great IIP company

There was lots of scope 4 training & new courses - I did my ECDL here

became principal First Aider & on the surface all was tickety-boo

Then as the season went underway - the complaints started

About the showers...
1/12 For the life of me I couldn't understand why

We were a 5 ⭐️ Park

Heads and shoulders above the rest

Our swimming pool was one of the main pulls

& selling points because

Dang it was the business!

Often thought many #customers bought with us based on that pool
1/13 So when - as admin & first port of call

I start to get a steady steam of angry complaints

Naturally I'm going to take up the baton & pass it on

Appeals however were falling on deaf ears

The King was in the building - yet like #Elvis he was not
1/14 Something was seriously wrong

Customers and their children were being scalded in the swimming pool #showers

on a regular basis

I kept flagging it up

It was consistantly ignored

I grew tired of the #lipservice

Enough was enough - so I took matters into my own hands -
1/15 And all hell was about to let loose

As my boss walked in on me filling out yet ANOTHER incident form as

a distressed parent looked on

I hadn't held back

I never do once #War is declared

I'd just facilitated my first #whistleblow -

More on this thread tomorrow 😎
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