The wife has had a hard day

"I have written, deleted, re-written and deleted this post so many times this week but now I need to say it. Please feel free to share with parent/teacher friends!

If you are a parent with a school aged child, please be kind to your teachers...
I promise you, we are not sat in the garden drinking cocktails and laughing at your predicament. We are working our backsides off, trying to do our very best for your children, feeling inadequate and missing them all. We didn’t get into this career because we want to sit at...
a computer and ping out emails all day. We do it because we love working with children, and we can’t do that right now.

We understand it’s hard for you. Honestly, we’re trying to make this as easy for you as we possibly can and help as much as possible. Lots of us are also...
trying to balance working with a young child at home. We know how you feel and we empathise.

So, before you ping off an email berating us and telling us how we have failed today, please stop and think. How would you feel if you or a loved one received that email? Think about...
that teacher at home also balancing work, family and probably caring for key worker children at some point during the week, putting themselves and their families at risk.

I know we’re not front line. There are a lot of people doing much more demanding and dangerous...
jobs at the moment. But we do genuinely care about your child and want to do what’s best for them.

Please be kind."

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