
Uncertainty is frustrating everyone. Daily #pressbriefing at all levels must address the following. #chinavirus
Is the goal flattening the curve?
Is the goal no more death?
Is the goal a certain ratio of death to population?
Is the goal no more illness?
Is the goal to open economy by a specific date?
How do we measure success?
Is there an acceptable cost to achieve the goal?
How do we measure acceptable costs?
Is there an acceptable cost in government debt?
Is there an acceptable cost in lives lost?
Is there an acceptable cost in jobs lost?
Is there an acceptable cost in business failure?
How do we know we are on track?
Who is performing the measurements and what are their credentials?
What methodology is being used by those doing the measuring?
Every single day I want to hear :
✅ Reminder of Our Goal
✅ Are we on track to achieve Goal?
✅ Exact numbers on infections, lives lost, jobs lost, businesses lost.
✅ If not on track, why not?
✅ Actions now taking to keep us on track or to adjust Our Goal.
True leaders recognize they need BUY-IN at every step of this process. The protests and calls you’re getting in government are a direct result of lack of buy-in. The virus isn’t killing us - lack of hope and lack of leadership is killing us.
Your good intentions are not enough. Get back to basics and communicate OUR GOAL and the progress we are making.
Every. Damn. Day.

Your good intentions are not enough to prevent the revolt that’s coming if you don’t get this under control NOW. #chinavirus #coronavirus
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