— terraforming tips & tricks —
you can terraform (create water or create a cliff) either a whole tile or a half tile. half tiles cannot stand on their own, and must be attached to whole tiles on exactly 2 adjacent sides. half tiles therefore cannot be adjacent to each other.
— terraforming cliffs —
the first hit on flat ground will create a full tile cliff, the next hit will subtract it to a half tile (if applicable), and the final hit will destroy the cliff and revert it back to flat ground.
— terraforming water —
the order is reversed for water. starting from regular flat ground, the first hit will terraform a half tile (if applicable), the next one will fill the full tile with water, and the final hit will revert back to regular ground.
— undoing terraforming —
with the half/whole tile system in place, the quickest way to undo everything is to hit the full tiles, which will save you a lot of time/effort. the half tiles will automatically collapse if there is no sufficient full tile to support them.
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