The mathematically-minded were especially impressed by this post from my thread on beauty preferences; but academic research on attractiveness is often very stupid, trying to focus on simplistic magic numbers. Media reporting then compounds the stupidity.
For instance, there have been many news stories about how 0.7 is the "ideal" waist-hip ratio. But the study that concluded this used a survey based on a series of images whose lowest ratio was... 0.7.

So in fact, they didn't bother testing lower ratios!
"Scientists" also focused in on the waist-hip ratio early and then kept trying to study it. On rare occasion these studies record waist-bust ratio and find it more closely associated with attractiveness, but then ignore the anomaly and return to talking about waist-hip ratio.
Other problems with studies: they usually consist of surveys of college students, average age 20. Contrary to popular wisdom, your beauty preferences become more finely tuned as you mature; impressions from the media have less influence after you have more sexual experience.
A further problem is that people will lie about sensitive topics even when the survey is supposedly anonymous. They seem to give different answers when they're told they've been hooked up to a lie detector test!
One study concluded that low BMI was the most important factor in female attractiveness, but this was a study of random American college students evaluating each other (women were allowed to evaluate other women).
Low BMI is important to the extent that most people find unhealthy body weights unattractive, but when you look at the images men typically represent as the MOST attractive, low BMI is not their distinguishing feature.
Once BMI is in the healthy range, other factors predominate. It would be easy to provide many examples of this, and I will if I need to (women are often confused on this topic), but just consider those in the thread linked above.
Compare, say, vintage 90's Kate Moss to our exemplar centerfold, who has a "high-healthy" BMI.

Who do you think men would find most attractive, on average?
There are so many mistakes in these scientific studies that you're better off using other methods to find the answers you're looking for.

Common sense and stereotypes are more accurate than bad science!
Adding this reply to the thread to remind people it's true: men's beauty preferences grow more "accurate" as they mature and gain experience with real women. Instinct kicks in and gradually overrules impressions from the media.
Lies about beauty and attractiveness sell very well; in fact, they dominate writing and discussion on the topic.

So, searching for truth, you turn to science. But science isn't much help!

It's a world full of lies, what can you do?
You were probably hoping I'd end this thread by giving you the truth!

I think the four examples I offered in this thread are reasonably good models of what the average man finds attractive. But not all share the same taste.
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