"We started this project with a lot of optimism. It really seemed like these ‘cars’ were going to be a great new thing, but unfortunately that just hasn’t been the case,” said SFMTA head, “We tried everything we could to get people to use them safely, but nothing worked."
“The strangest thing was that driving cars seemed to make people think they didn’t have to take responsibility for their actions anymore. All of a sudden, everyone was claiming that everything was ‘just an accident,’ no matter how negligent they were.”
"Through the many decades of the pilot, it became clear that the large size of these vehicles meant that they required huge amounts of space to store. “We eventually ended up building the whole city to try to accommodate them, and it still didn’t work.” reflects the SFMTA."
"Now that the vehicles are pulled from the streets, San Franciscans are discovering a whole new city they didn’t know existed. Every night since the pilot ended, increasing numbers of residents have been wandering out of their houses onto the street in a block party of sorts."
'“It just feels so much calmer around here since the car pilot ended. I don’t think we realized how stressful it was until those things were gone. It’s incredible to be able to let my kids walk down to the corner store without worrying,” notes a mother of three.'
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