Here's an acerbic reminder;

You live in a world where you buy water to drink.

You were taught that you came from apes & not the truth of your divine heritage as an electromagnetic autonomous representative of the cosmos.

You are injected with sickness so you can buy medicines.
You don't know where you come from, how you got here but you believe the creator of the universe is a judge that punishes people who disobey it yet it gave all free will, it doesn't make ANY facking sense but billions of people believe it, some even kill others for not believing.
You are treated like slaves by those who should cater, love & care for you, your govt, peers & even parents.

You were born into a planet you can not tour freely without a stamp on a paper, after they finished cutting the trees they use the byproduct to document your enslavement.
You live in a reality where 98% of the movie content all consist of Gun, Murder, Abuse, Violence & Blood..

They even name movies with titles like HAPPY DEATH DAY, Kill, Blood, evil & people queue to buy & watch scripted murder that are edited with finesse to almost look real.
You live in a reality where hungry & poverty are considered normal things.

You live in a reality where the color of your skin, background or sexuality can justify your death.

You live in a reality where people are imprisoned for criticising their immoral govt.
You live in a reality that promotes & sponsor the destruction of the ecosystem & environment

You live in a reality where people are conditioned to perceive sex (manual ecstasy) as something one should feel guilty about & pay for, in shame or coins because of a belief system.
You live in a reality where fear is advertised & used to keep people in line, docile and disempowered.

You live in a reality where babies are sacrificed and used as an high via torturing them so their adrenaline chemicals can transform their blood to adrenochrome & sold online
You live in a reality that promotes destruction & stupidity over benevolence & consciousness expansion.

You live in a reality where the majority perceives love, compassion & kindness as weakness.

Do you really want us to continue this reminder cos its already irritating me.
How such a thing could have lasted for thousands of years even till today where people who promote peace, love, empowerment, oneness & enlightenment are considered delusional because such things are so beyond good to be true cos they don't think their world is a nasty place.
This planet has had enough of the horrible memories humans are programming on her grid & she have decided to evolve to 5D with the inhabitants who want to evolve, those who want to remain the same will incarnate on another prison planet worse than the old earth.

There's no death
From a higher perspective, There's no right or wrong, just choices & the effect or consequences of that choice.

Everyone is presented with the opportunity to choice evolution or they'll find themself in another prison planet just as they found themselves in the old reality.
The old world is collapsing and a new world is rising, it shouldn't be a tough decision to choose better but in order to make that decision you need to know what is better...

The only way to know that is by seeing what you don't want, so you can easily identify what you want.
So the chaos in the world is actually a good thing once you see it as the old world crumbling down.

Chaos is unpredictable order, its not disorder.

The disorder is the old world & people are only now seeing what has been there all along, only hidden until now the light is out.
We Love You All...

Keep on pulling in peace with your imagination, don't underestimate the power of your beliefs, it's what the darkness has been using against you, so use it in your favour.

Your reality is manifested by your thoughts & you can think however way you want.

You can follow @TraceScorch.
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