There’s more than one reason that the abortion debate will never be solved. The one that interests me most, however, is the issue of time 1/
I doubt there will ever be agreement on when it’s ok. The heartbeat bill factors in life, but a ten week old baby isn’t going to survive outside a womb- the point that some make. Pro-choice people are against the heartbeat bill because most women won’t know they’re pregnant.
Scientifically, there’s no consensus. As technology advances, babies can be born much earlier and live. Issue is, that technology will only get up to a certain point. A ten week old fetus will likely not ever survive simply out of development. 3/
Some think abortion is ok until the survival rate becomes higher. Others think it’s ok up until the baby is born. Crucially, people will continue to fight it 4/
In the end, it will only end when there’s a wholesale consensus of when life begins- which will never be solved. Still, I think the time issue is definitely the second biggest reason. Just some musings I’ve had. 5/5
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