@ArabellaGray271 @HYeahTeenSupers One of the elements of @saladinahmed’s run on MAGNIFICENT MS. MARVEL that I’ve especially enjoyed is how it portrays themes of anticipatory grief, burnout, and anger through Kamala Khan’s struggles with her Abu’s terminal illness...
...first, anticipatory grief serves as the driving focus Ahmed’s story, as it gives rise Kamala’s other two inner conflicts.

Anticipatory grief is grief that occurs before the death of a loved one, and can sometimes result in more severe symptoms than normal grief...
...Kamala’s anticipatory grief is caused by her father being stricken with a rare terminal disease that is believed to be incurable. This event coincides with Kamala the Kree Stormranger Nanosuit as well as both her parents having their memories of her secret identity erased...
...and the symptoms of anticipatory grief which Kamala most heavily displays include sadness, poor concentration & exhaustion, a sense of helplessness, and most especially, anger...
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