Dude, the mask does nothing if it isn't covering your mouth...
How are these people even real... Learn how to use the mask.
Oh, thank God he's holding his mask IN HIS HANDS
She's a DOCTOR
I thought someone finally figured it out, then I realized her mask isn't even covering her nose.
FYI 2-3 people have left their mask on and you can hear them just fine.
Thank God the mask is protecting his beard
Jerry Nadler really struggled to get his mask off.
Nailed it.
This is either a creative mask or he just stole one of Dr. Birx's scarves
*takes mask off*

*wipes nose*

*puts hand on podium*
You cannot make this up:

"We are wearing masks. I’m not wearing a mask while speaking, but as soon as I stop speaking, I'll put a mask back on as I turn around to go among us. Congress is doing its job."
While not wearing a mask, Steny Hoyer says:

"There is more we must do. Not simply for those who are greater risk, but for all of us who wear masks not because we don’t want to be with one another, but because this pandemic has made us a risk to others."
AOC is having a meltdown while waving around her mask in her hand...
Coronavirus doesn't stand a chance against this guy LMAOOOOOOO
Thank God she has gloves on!
Good work
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