the fact that they even gave her the chance to voice her opinion and some of y’all don’t think white privilege is a real thing
police kill black children for walking outside. they even come into their homes and murder them. they really let this wh*te lady hold a whole gathering that could potentially kill thousands of people & even gave her the option to disband it...
*kill thousands as in, all those people there we can assume are not social distancing. even if only one of them was an asymptomatic carrier for the virus, they’re spreading it to everyone there, and then each of them come into contact with more people, and the cycle goes on
anytime i talk about white privilege someone gets mad at me, and i want you to understand that if you’re white or white passing (i consider myself white passing or racially ambiguous to most) and i use that to stand up for people, not pretend that i don’t have that privilege
idk how some people can pretend racism isn’t a problem in our society anymore. like excuse me we have a history of not only oppression but SLAVERY. the civil rights movement only started 70 years ago
we have to acknowledge racism to move past it. i’ve seen wh*tes say that poc are more privileged now and whine about how everyone is racist to wh*te people like excuse me are you systematically oppressed? are you scared police are going to shoot you every time you go outside?
are you denied jobs due to the way you sound on the phone? the way you look? does medical staff not take you seriously?
“dO yOu HaVe AnY quEsTiOnS”
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