One day I'm going to talk about the serious impact an unhealthy work environment can have on your mental health. Because chile, I have been there and bought the t-shirt.
But I will say this: the first HEALTHY work environment you have after a toxic one is an EXPERIENCE in unlearning traumatic behaviours and getting past triggers.
If you've been used to hostility from management, it's common to find yourself on edge even when you're dealing with a healthy manager.
If you've been used to working ridiculous hours because "that's just the expected culture" at first it's actually quite strange when everyone finishes dead on 5:30pm and encourages work life balance.
If you've been used to rude, demeaning and dictator-style leadership, you may also need to unlearn your apologetic email etiquette. You don't need to say "please" a thousand times. Stop asking questions where you can make a statement and stop starting your emails with "just".
Anyways. We'll revisit this topic another day but for now, I am grateful for a job that is healthy (and pays better đź‘€).
Beloved never, ever, ever compromise your mental health and peace of mind for a job. It's a trap and it's not worth it. In the end, you're only playing yourself.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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