So let me drop these numbers on you all real quick. Because to see people still crying over @NCAA decisions and no aau is crazy. So the next few tweets are combined. Read and write down the quotations on the numbers.
1. Florida opened up the state an within a “24 hour” time period they had over “1200” new cases. With no count on the deaths. Why does this matter you ask? Keep reading!!! It was a 24hr time period this happen. How is this relevant to aau. Keep reading!!!
2. A major July event had “390-400” teams in the “17u division” last year. Let’s say the average team has 10 players and 1 coach. That’s “4000 players” and “400 coaches”. Combined that “4400 people” touching hands, a ball, seat, toilet. So what are you saying Terrence.
3. That’s “4400 people alone” from just 1 division. We not even adding refs, table staff, tourney staff or college coaches. All which have to come in contact in some way or form. (Y’all still with me because I’m about to bring the word of basketball to you)
Aau events aren’t 24 hrs. But they usually last 3-4 days. So we have “4400 people” from one division. Now let’s add 14u/15u/16u with 17/u still running with “4400” people per division. That’s “17600” people coming in contact. Y’all really want to play aau that bad.
Don’t get me wrong I do feel bad that this is going on. But to bring back aau is not worth it. I haven’t even touch one subject yet which I’m about to get into.
Every college coach is on the road in JULY. If they are to get the virus who will replace them. We can’t replace every coach in the country before the start of the season. See the big picture here people. It’s more than basketball we talking about. We talking LIFE in general.
Kids need to be focus on education at this point and time. Only a small percent go to the league/overseas. The virus can take away sports but it can’t take away your education that you will need once this virus does go away. YALL STAY SAFE.
You can follow @CoAcH_T_Johnson.
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