FGC Streamers! I hear some of you are frustrated at your low viewerships, but you should take it easy on yourself.
Everyone is streaming, so general viewership (which is already niche) is heavily divided. Focus on building slowly and standing out.

Quick tips:
- Post clips of your matches. Make sure to embed them by downloading the clip and inserting it just as you would a picture or video. It should look something like this: https://twitter.com/FGC_Angrybird/status/1252999820207325195
Engage! If someone comes in, hold a convo with them. I think most of you are good at that, but it bears repeating. If someone leaves soon after, be thankful they popped by. Being kind will give them a reason to return.
Do something different. If you plan on playing ranked, it's maybe not the most watchable experience especially if you are new. Try different things like showing a punish in training mode and performing it in a match, random select, etc. Anything over queueing up for ranked.
Most of all - have fun. I'll always enjoy a stream more if the player is having fun. If you aren't feeling it, take a day and get back into the groove tomorrow. Online can be stressful, so vary up your content and break off with some replay analysis, etc.
The more we diversify content, the more we can draw in players who aren't big on fighting games and show them why we love this genre. Think about people outside the FGC. There's tons of viewers who you can tap into. Sometimes it's best to drink from a different well.
You can follow @_saintcola.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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