This so totally confirms my priors that of course I believe it. :-) But it's also almost by definition a more meaningful result than the ones that have come out of California and other low-infection places
This implies that actual infections are about 13X confirmed cases, and that the infection fatality rate so far (using the NYC estimate that includes probably coronavirus deaths) is 0.84%
Which is in the same general ballpark as recent serology results from Switzerland, the Netherlands and Germany, and in a completely different one from the conclusions (if not the actual survey findings) of the Santa Clara County study that has sparked so much criticism
The low-end estimate from the Los Angeles County study implies a 0.36% infection fatality rate, so also in the same general ballpark.
A lot of people (including me) have been comparing these IFRs with a 0.1% fatality rate for influenza, but that's actually the fatality rate for *symptomatic* flu cases, and influenza can be asymptomatic as well. 0.04% may be better estimate
So the emerging evidence from these serological surveys seems to be that the coronavirus is 10X+ deadlier than seasonal influenza, although it can of course vary with demographics, hospital capacity, etc.
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