It is up to the people to hold their local officials, Police, state officials, & Governors to account. If you feel you have been wronged, arrested, or fined then it is up to YOU to file a lawsuit. DOJ has already stated they are watching & where appropriate they will back you!
One of the best ways is to file a class action lawsuit. Ask your friends, family, community to join you. This will be the only way we can take back out rights. Don't wait for the Federal Govt. They wont do anything worthy of you. It is not Trump's fault. He gave them guidelines.
Those guidelines are SUGGESTIVE. No where in those guidelines did he state be aggressive to the states. No where did he say to arrest, fine, or any other draconian measures. It was up to the Governors, & local officials to make their own rules and if your officials decided to
cross the line then they are the ones accountable to the people. Each one of them deserve to be sued. Take it out of THEIR pockets. Not the State. That is the only way to correct them & to let them know what they did wrong. These people don't know the constitution let alone
their states constitutions. They are living on an ideology they were wrongly taught in College. The only way to correct it because they will not learn it on their own is to force it upon them by a court of law. If you don't do that then they will never change.
You can follow @DjMcDougle01.
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