[Thread] - the girl who broke my heart PART 1💔😔:
after a fairly long and successful run in the streets i decided to find myself a wife and settle down, so i met this other girl in june 2017 and we vibed mad from the get go, i fell in love with her and i asked her to be my girlfriend 2 months later in august...
2 weeks later i told her i loved her in between a kiss and she said it back, later that evening when i texted her “goodnight, i love you” all she said was “ok goodnight”😭💔 anyways i told the homies and the homies told me to drop her and go back to where i belong..the streets...
but i was ,deep in love and my heart couldn’t let me do it, eventually (3 months later) she told me she loved me #YERRRR things were going great for us then in december she went offline for the whole month because her phone had been taken away...
everyday i missed her more and i longed to be with her again asap, i wrote her poems, i wrote her songs, i was really in my romantic bag ngl... then she came back online in january and the first thing she told me is “i want a break”
ngl i was devastated fam, i didn’t even give her the poems and songs(i fr recorded), i asked her why she wanted a break and she said it’s because of the distance when i’m at school(i was a boarder) i tried to persuade her to change her mind but eventually i just accepted it..
life went on for a while and i swear i thought of her every single day, reminiscing deep, in the beginning of feb she texted and said she wants to get back together and that she misses me and all, me being the clown i am - i said yes gladly...
i started making plans for valentine’s day, i bought her roses, a teddy bear, a mug, and chocolates, i was in my romance bag fr, 14 feb came along and to my great dismay she sent me nothing💔 just a “happy v day”, dawg anyone in their right mind would’ve called it quits but...
i loved her more than i loved myself to be honest, on top of that she wouldn’t let me post her on my socials, she made me stop talking to 2 girls who were very close to, and i accepted because she meant more to me than anything...
things went on and became a little better, occasional fights and all, usual relationship shit, then in may 2018 at the beginning of the 2nd school term she told me she would be offline the whole term to study, i said alright that’s cool and i went to school kinda sad...
THEN in july 2018 someone from the school my gf went to told me that she was getting too friendly with this other nigga, they were holding hands, chilling together at break time, all that couple shit...
i got my girl to come online through one of her friends and confronted her, she tried to front (excuse the pun) in the beginning until i dropped the details than she became apologetic and started telling me she loves me with her whole heart and shit smh...
i asked her what her reasons for getting cozy with this nigga were and she told me, and i quote -“i needed to replace you because the distance was affecting me” dawg i was shattered, i cried like a mf that day but NEVER AGAIN WILL I CRY OVER A HUN..
i then asked her if she has feelings for this nigga and she said and i quote - “i don’t know”, my g when i say i felt pain i mean that, i wasn’t even concentrating in class anymore, i felt worthless, but my clown ass loved this girl too much...
she was my pillar of strength and a reason for me to face each day tbh, she had made me love myself more, so i stayed with her on the condition that she doesn’t talk to this nigga again, at first she was refusing but she eventually allowed...
i didn’t trust her at all anymore but i was really trying, until i opened ig one day (i had her password) and then i saw a message from this nigga i told her not to speak to right, and my g they were still flirting and shit, being all lovey dovey and all...
remember how she told me she would be offline the whole term? well it turns out she had been texting this nigga EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY😞😭😭💔 i felt so betrayed cause this girl wasn’t just my gf, she was my best friend and then guess what happens next?...
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