The Schumann Resonance vibrates at a pulse of 7.83 Hz and it is said to be the heartbeat of mother Earth. The natural electromagnetic field of the Earth pulse. Earth’s heartbeat and has been protecting the living beings.
The frequency is also associated with high levels of suggestibility, hypnotisability, meditation and increased blood.
Normally the graph is mostly blue with some green and zero white. But around early June 2014, the Schumann Resonance starting increasing at different times, so much that areas of white showed up on the graph, for several hours at a time.
As a spiritual being merged with a human body, we also merged with the consciousness and energetic makeup of Earth when we were born into a human body. To stay in sync with the planetary composition and frequencies, the human body has an auto correct system that can re-calibrate
to the environment when needed. When the auric field of a human is not in sync, however, it is difficult for the emotional, mental, spiritual, and etheric bodies to sync with the physical body and the frequency of Earth.
At the same time, a burst in frequency of Earth’s magnetic frequencies can jostle any energetic blockages in the auric field that can cause the physical body to stay at a low or stagnant ELF (extremely low frequency).
Bursts of higher frequencies are a good thing for clearing of the auric field of the human, as long as it is done in moderation. The spiritual and metaphysical explanation of raising the frequency of the physical body is the higher the frequency, (moving into 5th Dimension)
the less dense reality the human will be experiencing.The goal is to transform the dense, controlling reality we are experiencing in a way that unifies humanity in a love based higher consciousness while still existing in the physical body. Lower-density 3D beings (the cabal)
cannot operate/survive in higher-density frequencies. This is what we want!This can only be achieved by releasing the energetic blocks of the past and of childhood that keep one stuck in creating a recurring illusion of denseness and dis-ease in the physical reality.
In essence,We All need to clean out our emotional closets...every last corner!As dark as some of our personal experiences may have been..alcoholism, drug abuse, child abuse, etc....if we deal with these issues within ourselves, it helps raise our frequency(as well as the planets)
That's the answer. It's a state of mind we need to reach, as a collective, where our hearts are cleansed of emotional trauma and our personal light within can shine. Be kind to yourself, you deserve it. We have all suffered, but WE ARE NO LONGER VICTIMS!
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