“the room” is the axis mundi of the disaffected man. he always has “the room” that is the center of his physical universe and orienting point, much like early villages had some pole or statue of their god to mark off “the point” by which all other points would be measured
the artifacts in this room take on a “sacred” (beyond the mundane) significance even if they are ostensibly “normal” objects. weird table, cultural ephemera, items accumulated over time for “no reason” form the symbolic tapestry of his mental intersecting with his physical world
from a neutral standpoint all “religious” phenomena from african masks to the many modern manifestations of what is called spirituality can be seen as an attempt to give form to and engage with the unseen forces that govern mans life. no one is truly immune from this process
my favorite part of quarantine is that now other people that are typically free from any long term reflection are now forced onto the turf of the hermit. cant leave. how much netflix can you watch. they are unequipped to deal with the world many of us inhabit. brunch is cancelled
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