The simple, accurate, anti-WHO name for the disease is SARS2, full stop.
This is not just a political decision. There's a ton of data on SARS1 that's useful to keep in the public health frame for this disease.
For example, broad presence of ground glass opacity was characteristic/diagnostic for SARS1 patients.
SARS2 expresses more viral load than SARS (explaining its high infectiousness), and has a narrower range of inflammatory factors/cytokines elevated by it, which explains its lower average severity, but despite differences- many many similarities.
Scientists and doctors are discovering a great deal about SARS2 over these few months, but an understanding of SARS1 is extremely informative about what we can expect about transmission as well as disease progression.
The SARS2 virus itself is much like SARS and close bat relatives of SARS.
Treatment for SARS didn't produce any slam-dunks, but still is a useful source of possibilities.
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