What I want to seriously impress upon you all, albeit a bit more gently, is that speculating when the parks are gonna reopen will only make yourselves go loca. And not the good, fiesta kind either. I may be a bitch, but I'm a bitch that cares about all of y'all, stay safe! ❤️❤️❤️ https://twitter.com/SativaDivine/status/1253336180138971140
With this being said; let's make this thread a positive one! What will be the first three things you want to do when the "All Clear" is signaled? For me: Haunted Mansion, @MariaAndEnzos and Spaceship Earth! #Disneyland #DisneylandParis #shanghai #disneyworld #tokyodisneyland #HK
You can follow @SativaDivine.
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