not many people know this but the US government is actually a multinational oil conglomerate whose sole purpose is bringing power and money to those at the top. everything else that they do is either to hide their true purpose or to get more oil. (1/22)
there is proof everywhere you look. Dick Cheney made money off of Iraq. as soon as America develops fracking technology and producing our own oil we pull out of the middle east (thanks obama). it all adds up. in fact look at Covid-19. (2/22)
you’re telling me it’s a coincidence that as SOON as oil prices drop the US economy also crashes??? no way. it doesn’t make any sense. why else do you think the the US shut down the economy so quickly? they saw the signs of an oil crash and tried to prevent it (4/22)
need more proof? look at JFK. JFK famously wanted to go to the moon. you know what’s not on the moon?? Oil. the US government, or should i say the oil executives, see no use in the moon and didn’t want their money wasted. so they killed him. it’s the only logical answer (5/22)
this also explains the US war on terror. what do ISIS, the taliban and al-queda all have in common? they use oil. the US government has also declared war on all three of these groups. definitely not a coincidence... (6/22)
the government simply used the war on terror to get rid of their oil competition. furthermore, the war on drugs is directly linked to oil. you know who isn’t buying any oil? people addicted to drugs. non drug addicts are significantly... (7/22)
... less likely to purchase and use oil than non drug addicts. normally this would be okay, but not to the government. they decided to spend billions of dollars just to try to get druggies to buy more oil. it makes perfect sense. (8/22)
i truly cannot see a world where i am wrong about this. i will not be arguing with anybody about my views because if you disagree you’re just naive and ignorant and missing what’s really going on. i will continue to update this thread with more evidence for anybody interested
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